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Clean Technology News

Ontario Cleantech Social
Published on: May 6, 2021

May 13, 2021

The Ontario Clean Technology Industry Association and CleanTech North, Ontario’s longest running CleanTech Community, in association with Canada Cleantech Alliance, have once again joined forces to bring you CleanTechDrinks!

This time we will meet on Zoom for some updates as well as a brief review of the federal budget from an Ontario perspective and then virtually hop over to the Centre for Social Innovation (CSI). Discover a whole new virtual world while networking with Ontario’s cleantech leaders (hint: there’s even a spaceship you can visit. Let’s see if you can find it!). Walk up to people and their videos and voices appear on your screen. Walk away and they disappear. Just like real life, almost. We love it and we can’t wait to share it with you! Be sure to use your desktop or laptop, and not your mobile, for the best experience!