Clean Technology News

Invest Durham leads tours for partners and international delegates to the ACE Climatic Aerodynamic Wind Tunnel at Ontario Tech University.
Published on: July 26, 2024

Describe your core offering(s). How is your organization contributing to a cleaner, greener future?

Durham Region is the Clean Energy Capital of Canada.  Durham Region companies and partners enable and empower clean technology development and advancement. Our skilled workforce of energy professionals and a strong energy and technology cluster work closely with local academic institutions, Ontario Tech University, Durham College, and Trent University Durham GTA, to develop programs that promote clean technology research and development in both energy production and mobility.  Invest Durham leverages these programs and strives to bring the cleantech ecosystem together, locally and internationally, by identifying opportunities to make a significant impact toward a cleaner, greener future. At the Municipal level, we are a Regional Technology Development Site, which grows an ecosystem of innovation by utilizing Regional infrastructure as a demonstration site for proven technologies.  

Other than coffee, what gets you out of bed in the morning? How does this work connect with your core beliefs and values?

Personally, I like to face challenges head-on – I get out of bed with the sheer excitement of what solution I will come up with that day.  At Invest Durham, problem-solving is a big motivator for our team, trying to make a positive impact in the world or for the people in our community. While we’re often dealing with problem solving for complex situations, it is through ongoing collaboration, and partnerships where innovation often happens.   

Tell us about a recent win (or wins) or your organization.

Durham Region is receiving an increasing amount of interest internationally, from our Federal and Provincial governments, and clean technology innovators, looking for the best place to develop and commercialize.  This is signified by an uptick of investment inquiries from battery value chain manufacturers, hydrogen technology companies, and other clean energy and renewables developers.

Invest Durham recently received a 2023 EDCO Award of Excellence for our five-year economic action plan; “Ready, Set, Future: A PLACE Blueprint for Durham”, that details future energy as one of our 5 target sectors for growth.

Our Global News Durham interview, alongside Ontario Tech University, showcases the Region’s assets for clean energy development, specifically green hydrogen and our alignment with Canada’s mandate to pursue viable hydrogen technology, sending a clear message that Durham Region is the Clean Energy Capital of Canada and we are a great place to grow for clean tech companies and residents alike.

What’s next for your organization?

Durham Region is a member and active participant of Ontario Tech University’s newly launched Hydrogen Commercialization and Demonstration Centre.  We are collaborating with a highly skilled consortium of energy professionals to create a strong value proposition for accelerating hydrogen energy in the Durham Region and formulating a strategy and execution plan. 

We continue to work closely with our energy cluster partners to identify pragmatic initiatives to further clean technology development either as investments, start-ups, or corporate and academic partnerships.

Finally, what’s on your team’s wish list for Ontario’s cleantech sector?

We want to ensure that Durham is top of mind for investors in Canada’s cleantech sector by ensuring visibility on our infrastructural assets, especially in hydrogen and battery manufacturing.  This can include (but isn’t limited to) opportunities in green, pink, and turquoise hydrogen production.