Clean Technology News

Bird's eye view of a city with large water way
Published on: June 29, 2020

In collaboration with MaRS’ Cleantech practice, OCTIA has compiled a list of 36 shovel-worthy cleantech projects that can help kickstart the economy immediately. 30 of these projects are based in Ontario, six of them are Canada-wide but would create trade jobs in Ontario. The list was shared with the Ontario government as well as with OCTIA’s federal government partners.

Using round numbers, these 36 projects could have $14 Billion of economic impact, creating 24,000 jobs at an average efficiency rate of $580,000 per job. If we exclude a single very large transportation infrastructure project from the list, the remaining 35 projects would still generate a meaningful $1.9 Billion in economic activity, creating 4,000 jobs at an average efficiency rate of $482,000 per job. If only those 12 projects that generate jobs with an investment of $100,000 per job or less were analyzed, 1,100 jobs are expected to be created, and would have $43 million of economic impact.